Sunday, February 17, 2013

World Wide Web

The future of the World Wide Web is going to be more of just a social network, with people wanted to have friends online. They are improving the internet with going on the sites and not getting a virus and there are a lot of safe sites. But I just feel they there are a lot of people and the future there will be a lot more and they will want to talk on the social networks. There is even an online dating sites that people use in order to get connected to new single people.  There are games online that people play so it is harder to find people and children outside because a lot of them just decided to play online games.  With facebook have the connects to all types of people from all over the world people are just using the web for communication. The Cloud is a computing strategy, that are like a services that is delivered over the internet.  In the city of Chicago they have moved employees to the new Microsoft office 365 for new cloud based emails.  They say that in the long run it will help save money this information is from the article The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Networks and Communication

The advantages that there are with the communication through tech. is that when talking to people you are able to get a faster response to the message, when having to email a teacher it can be helpful if you have a question on the homework without having to wait for the next class day.  When you have people that are in the military it is nice to have Skype and be able to talk to your loved ones and still be able to see them even though they are so far away.  The disadvantages is that is can be very distracting to people like in the article Texting Woman falls in fountain, files lawsuit she was in the middle of texting and not watching where she walked and walked into a fountain.  

When people are texting and driving it can cause accidents and people have died because of that, there are commercials that have people saying what there last friends message was while they were driving and how it killed them.  people need to just focus on driving there is a time and place to text and driving is not one of them, the people that they are talking to can wait until they are done driving, but if it is really important the person driving should pull the car over and stop driving and talk to the person so that they do not cause a car accident.